Ansible Installation Steps:

Step 1 : sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get --yes install software-properties-common;sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible;sudo apt-get install --yes ansible

Step 2: Check the installed Ansible version

ansible --version

copy file from one host to multiple host | change its group and owner | Change it's file permission

  - hosts: jws
        - name: copying files with owner and permission
            src: /admin/ansible/testCopyFile.txt
            dest: /tomcat/ansible/testCopyFile.txt
            owner: Modi
            group: bjp
            mode: 0777


Copy and paste above code in your vi editor and update source, destination, owner , group , mode and hosts values.

Fetch a file from any host.

- hosts: POC_VM
      - copy:
         src: /jboss/scripts/util/StartStopServers/
         dest: /jboss/scripts/util/
      - fetch:
         src: /jboss/scripts/util/stopAllRunningProcess_Server.log
         dest: /jboss/scripts/util/stopAllRunningProcess_Server.log
Syntax to run this playbook:

ansible-playbook copyFiles.yml -u Unix_user_id -k --ask-pass --ask-su-pass
Copy and paste above code in your vi editor and update source and destination values.
This playbook will copy/fetch the file from all the host listed under "POC_VM" group. The fetched files will have their hostname at the end of the file name.

An admin may need to perform this job sometime to compare multiple files or to take backup of certain files from all hosts before rolling a new change.