Docker Reference Note

docker ps 

To check running Docker process


docker ps -a

To check status of all available images


docker run docker_image_Name

To simple run an image


docker stop container_name/container_id

To stop a container. Use "start" to start a container.


docker rmi docker_image

To delete a docker image. use "docker rmi -f docker_image" to forcefully remove an image.


docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) 

To delete all available images on the host.


docker system prune

WARNING! This will remove:
- all stopped containers
- all networks not used by at least one container
- all dangling images
- all build cache


docker exec docker_name shell_command1;shell_command2;shell_command3;......

To run any command on docker container from docker host.
for example :

root@devopspoc:/docker# docker exec 5fc767ce7da6 cat /etc/hosts; hostname; date ;lscpu | grep core localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters 5fc767ce7da6
Tue Mar 12 04:57:25 UTC 2019
Thread(s) per core: 1


docker log docker_container_id

To check logs of running application on the container. We can use docker log --tail , log -f etc.


docker cp container_id:/path/to/file.ext 

docker cp /path/of/the/file/on/localHost container_id:/path/on/the /container


docker build -t my_imageName .

Build the image from the Dockerfile ( available in current working directory ) with your custom image name.


docker pull image_name:version_number

Pull a docker image from docker-hub, example : docker pull alpine:3.4


docker run -itd --name custom_Container_name image_name

Run docker with custom container name.


docker exec -it container_id /bin/sh

connect to container terminal.


docker run -d -p xxxx:xxxx --name=Container_Name -v /path/to/application.war:/config/dropins/application.war image_name
   Run a container on specified port and deploy application. This step is used mostly for WebSphere Liberty profile.
Example :
     docker run -d -p 80:9080 --name=app -v $PWD/Sample.war:/config/dropins/Sample.war webSphereLiberty_image


Docker Compose File -- Mongo DB

version: '2'
image: mongo:latest
container_name: "Santosh-Mongo-DB"
- MONGO_DATA_DIR=/data/db
- MONGO_LOG_DIR=/dev/null
- ./mongo/db:/mongo/db
- 27017:27017
command: mongod --smallfiles --logpath=/dev/null # --quiet