Useful Shell / Python commands and scripts

Command to grep CPU, Memory , DiskUtilization, Hostname,Number of JVM Running

As an admin its important to know or  monitor "Number Of available CPU core" , " available RAM on the server" , "Number of JVMs nunning " , "Current File system utilization " and many more for 100+ servers in just few seconds.

Now a days there are so many good monitoring tool that can provide such data in graphical form but some time these scripts are very helpful specially if you huge number of servers.


( Server Names displayed below are all dummy server, this is just for reference )


==========================Steps to get such output==========================

Step 1 : Install sshpass package/module on your linux /aix server.

Step 2: create a script file ( for example: ) with below mentioned commands ( update it according to your environment ):


sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"
sshpass -p 'Password123' ssh "/was/scripts/util/"


Please Note :

Replace Password123 by login password for the VM/server.
Replace wasadmin     by userid you use to connect to VM/server.
Replace this path by the location of your file ( we will discuss about this fine in point 4 ).


Step 4 : Create a file ( ) with below mentioned command : ( Please update it as per your environment )

echo  "applerjx_ApplicationServer `hostname` | /WAS = `df -h /was | egrep -o '[0-9]+%'` | /BATCH = `df -h /batch | egrep -o '[0-9]+%'` | /Logs = `df -h /logs | egrep -o '[0-9]+%'` | /IHS = `df -h /ihs | egrep -o '[0-9]+%'` | `echo Cores = $(( $(lscpu | awk '/^Socket/{ print $2 }') * $(lscpu | awk '/^Core/{ print $4 }') ))` | Total Ram = `free -h | awk '/Mem\:/ { print $2 }'` | Total JVM Running = `ps -ef |grep /IBM/Websphere/Application/ -modules.jar | wc -l` "


Step 5 : If you have too many servers then create ansible-playbook to copy to n-number of server ( Please refer ansible playbook section to copy files from source to target servers ) or we can simply scp this file to target servers.

Now by executing , we can execute "" script on all remote VMs and can see the output on your cutter VM. ( Screen shot attached above )


Simple HTTP Webserver in 2 Mins

Copy below mentioned script in a file (  for example ):





import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
import sys

# minimal web server. serves files relative to the
# current directory.

#PORT = 44444
PORT = int(sys.argv[1])

Handler = SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler

'': 'application/octet-stream', # Default
'.out': 'text/plain',
'.log': 'text/plain'
httpd = SocketServer.TCPServer(("", PORT), Handler)

print "serving at port", PORT


======================How to execute it ========================


Step 1 : cd /IBM/WebSphere/to/anydirectory/thatYouWant/ToExpose/toBrowser/

Step 2 : /pathTo/ 12345    ( Execute the script )

Step 3: open browser and check the below mentioned URL :



You will be able to see all file system under "/IBM/WebSphere/to/anydirectory/thatYouWant/ToExpose/toBrowser/" on browser.

Delete Logs Older Than Three days

find ./ -type f -mtime +3 -name '*.log.*' -execdir rm -- '{}' \;

Generate Heap Dump & Core Dump manually

jmap -dump:live,file=/location/where/dump/to/be/generated/dump.bin 21079

jstack 21079 > threadDumpName.txt

List Certificates under a keystore

/jboss/java/jdk1.8.0_92/bin/keytool -list -v -keystore keyStoreName.jks -storepass xyz@123 > certificate.log

zip & unzip a war or ear file

create a directory call "app"

cd app;


find the java path on your server and execute the below mentioned commands :

/devops/java/jdk1.8.0_92/bin/jar -xvf app.war
/devops/java/jdk1.8.0_92/bin/jar -cvf app.war app

How To decrypt Jboss Vault

Create a directory by name "jar" and copy all the below mentioned jar files under it :


  • picketbox-4.9.6.Final-redhat-1.jar
  • w3c-dom.jar
  • jboss-logging-3.3.0.Final-redhat-1.jar
  • javax.xml.parsers-1_1.jar

Creat a script file "" and copy paste below mentioned commands:


export CLASSPATH=.:jar/:jar/picketbox-4.9.6.Final-redhat-1.jar:jar/

java JBossVaultRetrieve2 $1